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The Compound Company

Corona statement The Compound Company

Corona statement The Compound Company
In view of the expanding Corona (COVID-19) health crisis in nearly all countries of the world, The Compound Company has taken the following measures to protect the interests of its stakeholders.
Protection of the health of our employees
The Compound Company has introduced the necessary work-related hygiene measures to protect the health of the employees in its subsidiaries in The Netherlands (EcoForte B.V., Yparex B.V. and Transmare B.V.). Our goal is that the Corona virus will not spread on the premises of the subsidiaries of The Compound Company, that our employees will remain healthy and won’t catch the Corona virus.
  • All the office workers that can work at home (home office) have been requested to do so, and all intra- and intercompany meetings are now facilitated by Skype or Teams. 
  • The sales team doesn’t travel for the time being and maintains contact with customers by means of Skype or Teams. The sales team now works from home office.
  • For production and logistics workers and for technical support employees that obviously cannot perform their work duties at home, the necessary hygiene measures have been implemented. These measures are continuously being evaluated regarding effectiveness, and the necessary improvements are made when necessary.
  • The R&D team continues working, either from home office or in the laboratory when necessary.
  • The Compound Company relies on the professional advice of external specialists in how to deal with and contain the spread of the Corona virus in our company, and how to protect our employees’ health to a maximum extent.
Continuation of production and sales activities
The Compound Company aims at continuing the normal production and sales activities and has taken the following measures to contain the situation.
  • Weekly checks are being performed to assess whether our suppliers will be able to continue supplying the necessary raw materials and continue performing the requested service activities.
  • As far as raw materials are concerned The Compound Company has in the past 3 years set up and approved alternative suppliers and grades for the raw materials of all our portfolio grades.
  • The necessary safety stocks have been built up to allow us to continue supplying our customers the requested and forecasted portfolio products, even in case certain suppliers would be unable to supply on short notice.
  • Both production plants in Enschede and in the production plant in Roermond continue their production activities. All necessary technical and organizational measures are being taken to facilitate continuation of all production activities in these plants.
Continuation of developmental activities
All R&D programmes are being continued, both long term R&D and customer developments. Our R&D team has taken the necessary measures to be able to work safely both in the processing lab and in the testing lab.
Customer support and customer contacts
The employees responsible for maintaining customer contacts (order intake, production planning, order dispatching, invoicing etc.) are all working as normal, albeit that they are mostly working at home. This has no impact on the high level of support our customers are used to.
Logistics department
All shipments of products to our customers continue as usual. The truck drivers who arrive at our premises to collect the ordered goods will have to comply with an extra set of security measures, meant to protect their own health and the health of our employees. The necessary info is handed over to the truck drivers when they arrival upon arrival / when they arrive at one of our plants.
Purchasing department
The employees of our Purchasing department are currently working at home and remain in contact with our suppliers via Skype or Teams. We kindly request our suppliers to refrain from visiting the premises of our companies.
If you have any questions regarding the handling of the Corona crisis by the subsidiaries of The Compound Company, please send an email to your regular contact person or to
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The Compound Company
Goolkatenweg 10, 7521 BG Enschede

Telephone +31 (0) 53 482 48 88
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